Category: Psychiatry

Mad tales from Bollywood: The impact of social, political, and economic climate on the portrayal of mental illness in Hindi films

How is mental illness portrayed in Bollywood films, and what are its implications and effects on Indian society within its broader historical, cultural and social contexts? This is the first of a special series of lectures in collaboration with the Institute of Psychiatry.

Impact of Parental Mental Health on Children

This lecture will examine the impact of parental mental illness on children. There are 175,000 young carers of parents with mental illness in the UK but maybe as many as 1,000,000 children affected by an adult's mental illness. They worry about their parents and perhaps be blame themselves, or fear that they will also 'catch' it. They often fall through the professional net, are seen as nobody's responsibility and receive no help. Film illustrations will be given of very small interventions which can help protect children from the negative effects.

How the US and UK press cover mental health and suicide

A reflection on press coverage of mental health issues and suicide in the US and UK over a 25-year period and, in some cases, much earlier - as far back as 1900. International journalist and Fulbright Scholar Mary O'Hara's research yields some fascinating results.
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